About Me


YUCO (Yuko Yokokawa)

Freelance Designer since 2009.
Residing near San Francisco, California (USA) since 2017.
Graduated from Setsu Mode Seminar – Tokyo, Japan.
Originally from Gifu, Japan.

My illustration Website : http://www.yuu-s.net/illustration/

Tools & Technologies

  • Adobe Illustrator / Photoshop / InDesign / Dreamweaver
  • Powerpoint
  • Slides
  • WordPress
  • HTML / CSS Knowledge


English / Japanese

Artist Statement

I had worked as a freelance Graphics / Web Designer and an illustrator for about over 10years.

My interest in design began primarily in the graphic arts and was extended, as it became a possibility to reach a large audience through innovative design. Inside these opportunities is where my art comes to fruition. 

My design work has the same focus on communication and attention to detail. When creating a logo for example I will consider how it will appear in the different contexts such as web delivery, mono printing and large scale banner ads. This is essential to create a design that will not only look good in various contexts but be adaptable to each.

I hope you enjoy my work. And I ‘d love to be of use to creative work with my skills in graphics/web design.


A Letter of recommendation from Professor